he went at it with all his heart câu
heart went pit-a-pat
My heart went pit-a-pat with excitement.heart went pit-a-pat — tim đập thình thịch His noble heart went pit-a-patheart went pit-a-pat ...

he seldom went out
He seldom went out in his boat that summer, and his long tramping expeditions were over.Mùa hè đó ông ít khi ra biển bằng thuyền, và nh...

he went off
His wife, Samantha, said he went off to the movies and never came back. Ooh. - Something I should know?Samantha, vợ anh ta, nói anh ta ...

he went out
And he went out and bought paintings and drugs and pinball machines.Và anh ta ra ngoài mua tranh, thuốc phiện và máy chơi game. He wen...

he went out to dinner
That evening he went out to dinner with his brother, Lord Surbiton.Hôm đó chàng đi ăn tối với em trai, Huân tuớc Surbiton. He went out...

all but he
Dodge, there. He's not like me at all. But he makes sense.cậu Dodge kia, không giống gì tôi nhưng cậu ấy có lý. whose lights are fled,...

he changed his mind
Other than he changed his mind.Không. Không có lí do nào khác là ông ấy đã đổi ý. He changed his mind about me, Skyler and so will you...

he his father's son
Is he his father's son or what?Bộ nó là cha người ta hay sao ấy?

he is conspicuous for his bravery
Just as he was known for his bravery, so he was known for his generosity.he is conspicuous for his bravery anh ta được người ta để ý vì ...

all his geese are swans
all his geese are swans(thiên văn học) chòm sao Thiên nga !all his geese are swans All his geese are swans(thiên văn học) chòm sao Thi...

all one’s heart
Tận Tình: With all one’s heart.

with all one’s heart
Tận Tình: With all one’s heart.

he can't move his arm
He can't move his arm.Anh ta không thể cử động tay.

he cannot change his skin
But he cannot change his skin.gầy chỉ còn da bọc xương !he cannot change his skin But he cannot change his skin.gầy chỉ còn da bọc xươn...

he couldn't check his anger
He couldn’t control his anger, for he was anger.he couldn't check his anger: hắn không kìm được tức giận

he is the joy and pride of his mother
He was the pride and joy of his mom, Andhe is the joy and pride of his mother — nó là niềm vui và tự hào của mẹ nó

he takes after his uncle
Guess he takes after his uncle.Ai ngờ nó dắt theo con bạn nó.

all the same he argued on
So much so that he argued againstĐã vậy mà nó còn cứ cãi mãi All the same he argued on

Everywhere I went there were thousands of stars in the sky.Bất cứ đâu tôi đi cũng có hàng ngàn vì sao trên trời. She went there with N...

nobody can find it in his heart to do that
No one could ever pass the night in his tomb ; whoever attempted to do so wasnobody can find it in his heart to do that: không ai nỡ lòn...

he couldn't get leave from his father
He couldn’t leave his brother – he had to get his father.he couldn't get leave from his father: nó không xin được phép của bố nó He coul...

he is ostracised by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike
He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.anh ta bị các đồng nghiệp bài xích vì đã từ chối không ủng hộ cuộ...

he is slowly recovering from his long illness
Mr. HARRIS is slowly improving from his recent illness.Anh ấy đã dần dần hồi sức sau đợt ốm dài ngày He is slowly recovering from his lo...

i know he will change his mind
I'll let her know that I know I changed my mind.I know he will change his mind tôi biết rằng nó sẽ thay đổi ý kiến

viva la vida or death and all his friends
Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends Album của năm Đề cử Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends (2006–2009)Sửa đổi Viva la Vida ...